born creative


Did you know that 99% of consumers check their email every day? And, 59% say that marketing emails influence their purchase. If you’re not already invested in email, then you’re missing out.

email marketing


Email marketing is an effective way to keep customers informed about your product/service. Not only is email one of the cheapest forms of marketing available, but it also has the highest ROI with the largest reach possible.

There are over 5 billion active email accounts worldwide, meaning email marketing is an opportunity not to be missed. When using email think about the reader, think about all the readers. Will all the readers on your database want to read the same information? Probably not!

According to Experian, personalized emails deliver 6x higher transaction rates!

billion global active email users
billion marketing emails are sent every day
annual email ROI is 4200%
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higher conversion rate compared to social media
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Billion Active Digital Buyers Worldwide


Billion Consumer Marketing Emails Sent Daily

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The Annual Email ROI Can Be As High As 4400%

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More Converting Leads Than Facebook



what is it?

With a 15% higher opening rate and a 100.95% higher click-through rate than non-segmented campaigns, it’s obvious why businesses are moving away from the one size fits all approach

91% of email users say they’ve previously unsubscribed from an email list due to irrelevant information.

Think about it; your database is full of consumers with a variety of different demographics and interests. The consumers who bought tennis rackets from your online sports brand are probably not interested in your basketballs!

Types of email campaigns we can help you with.


​Subscribers who receive welcome emails show 33% more long-term brand engagement than those who don’t.


Abandonment emails have a high open rate. When someone puts something in their cart but doesn't complete the purchase, try offering an incentive like a discount code.


If you've got a promotion going then it's great to let people know. Don't overwhelm your leads with the same email though, put thought into a campaign that is progressive.


Automated emails are triggered by a user's action. You can set automations for a vaiety of user actions i.e content downloads, an online purchase, event registration and much more.


Sending a newsletter allows the reader to keep up to date with your business.The intent is to be informative with the aim of building brand loyalty and providing share-worthy content that grows your audience organically.

post purchase

Post-purchase emails build brand loyalty and turn customers into repeat customers. The intent isn't necessarily to sell products, you might consider sending thank you emails, product reviews, loyalty promo codes etc.